The Perfect Day

It would be a dream to have a perfect day and it would go like this. I would wake up at 9:00, I would go to the fridge, and get a tub of ice cream, the one that has strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate in one tub. And get 2 scoops of each flavor. And put them specifically in a waffle cone. And when I’m finished I’ll take a quick nap for one hour. And then when I wake up I’ll do the same exact thing I did when I woke up in the morning. And then I’d go to the store and get more tubs of vanilla ice cream. And then go to the ice cream store and buy their entire stock of strawberry ice cream. And then I would go home and put all the ice cream in the freezer. Then I would go rock climbing for 3 hours with my family and friends. And when I’m done the time would be 3 PM. And with a lot of free time I would go swimming in a large and 7 feet deep pool for one hour. And then dry myself off and go eat ice cream. And for the rest of the day, I would sleep.

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