Rad Reading – September The Dive by Adele Griffin

(I am not done with the book yet, I am on page 57)

The plot of the book is about an eleven year old named Ben and his older stepbrother Dustin. They have never really known each other well. Ben has always had an easy relationship with Dustin’s dad named Lyle. Ben feels safe with Lyles rules at home, and the comfortable and predictable daily and normal life. And now Dustin has been in a diving accident, so then Ben and Lyle have to go to him.

My favorite character in the book had to be Ben, because we both have some similarities, we are both grumpy when we wake up. And Ben is just an overall great determined character.

I really really enjoyed the book, the storytelling, storyline, and characters were great! I really liked the climax of the story when Dustin gets into a diving accident, the details in that scene were spectacular.

A quote in the book that I liked the most, was in page 6, “…Bens an honest-to-god pain-in-the-you-know-where.” I chose this quote to be my favorite because I think it’s funny and relatable because I’m also grumpy when I wake up.

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